In hopes the cardinal will sing
Most nights I foresee the inevitable
and I press my hands together
so hard that my fingertips become
I stare at the ceiling
and hope something is there
deciphering my pleas
through croaked murmurs
I document moments unforgettable
just to be sure they stay that way
stories of your childhood
funny bits
and the tablature
so even if I can't hear the music
I’ll be sure to read it
knowing it existed once
Through my pleads
and swollen ducts
I selfishly ask for immortality
that the choice is given to me
and I decide where it lands
I will protect your things;
the dusty safari hat
the carved checker pieces
the little engine that could
the train whistle
the twine
the birthday cards
The way I do not enjoy the beach
the gaping vastness of unknown
reaching for the landscape and
getting a fisted clump of air;
is how I worry the end will be
that it will not be poised over me
like the mountains are
but will push me out to sea
to fend for myself
where the direction to peace is unrevealing
and also to you
So, after the time has come
and left
and just before the land transforms
I’ll hang birdhouses
when the sticky warmth kisses my nose
in hopes that a cardinal will sing
and in the off-season
the blinds will be drawn
as not to reflect the bitter reality that you’re
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