Pink Mountain Heather

      I guess I hope there’s something for me at the finish line, that’s the only thing brutally dragging me to the end. I can’t think too deeply about what it could be because then I come to the burning realization that it doesn’t exist, it’s something I have to find and there’s more work to be done. 

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Here are some evocative tales from the road, blending my personal stories with thoughtful comparisons of how others experience the same destinations. Through my eyes, and those of other trekkers, discover how our unique perspectives relate and diverge, offering the deepest understanding of what humans simply love (or even hate) about the world. 


Woven in Prose is dedicated to exploring a wide array of subjects that cater to curious minds. Often in creative writing and literary works we are faced with ideas that attempt to expand our knowledge and come to understand experiences that are separate from our own. The goal of this blog is to share my own experiences, compare what I know to what others know, attempt to dissect popular literature, and create an artisan realm with the intention to blow your mind (or at least cater to your bizarre thoughts). My best of luck to your enjoyment.